Something that we didn’t plan on doing for a while when we moved into our house was replacing the kitchen appliances.
We knew that at some point we wanted to get a gas stove to replace the glass-top stove that was currently there.
As well as replace the dishwasher. Which more or less just slopped water around and that was about it.
Kitchen appliances do have a shelf life!
So when the refrigerator completely stopped working we were immediately forced to get a new one.
The refrigerator wasn’t covered under our home warranty because let’s be honest what really is?
So even though out of all of the appliances we weren’t planning on replacing first or soon we set out to Lowe’s to find a refrigerator.

At the time Lowe’s had a bundle deal with appliances. Also, if you spent so much they had 0% financing for 24 months.
We knew we did not want to get another white fridge which is what we were replacing. Replacing one with stainless steel would make the kitchen look quite off.
Making A Decision On New Kitchen Appliances
The choices for kitchen appliances are endless unless you are on a time crunch.
So after doing some research and going to other stores to compare prices and offers, we decided that we would replace all of our appliances at once.
We decided on a set of stainless steel Samsung appliances. We got a new refrigerator, dishwasher, gas stove, and microwave.
Waiting For Delivery Of Our New Kitchen Appliances
Which felt like forever when you were living without a normal fridge.
The refrigerator we chose of course had to be ordered in and took a week to arrive. We decided to just have all the appliances delivered at once.
In the meantime, we had to buy a mini-fridge to get us through. While we were waiting on our new appliances to be delivered we set to work finding a place to dump our old fridge. We posted our stove and microwave for sale.
Delivery Day For Our New Kitchen Appliances
I was beyond excited the day they came to install the fridge. Let me tell you living out of a mini-fridge with a baby, let alone Kevin and I, is not something I recommend.
Especially not for a week. Seeing the Lowe’s delivery people arrive in our driveway was like seeing Santa by the Christmas tree!
The fridge installation took no time because we had already disposed of the old fridge so the space was bare and waiting.
It’s funny how you realize that you are officially “old” when you are excited about new appliances. It’s something that I never would have batted an eye at when I was younger.
After they installed our fridge they brought in the dishwasher, stove, and microwave into the living room. Kevin was installing the dishwasher and microwave himself.
For the stove, we had to get a gas line run before we could replace it. So while we waited for the gas line the stove became a living room fixture while the other two were unboxed and installed quite quickly.

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Some Of The Fridge Features We Love…
Water & Ice Dispenser
This was a must-have for us when looking for a new fridge. We were so excited when we moved into the new house because the fridge had this feature. It was definitely something we always wanted in our old house but where the fridge was located in our old kitchen a waterline wasn’t an option and the space was quite small.
Two Ice Makers
The fridge has two ice makers which are actually wonderful features. At first, I was like “We will never use that much ice.” Well, fast-forward to “I can’t believe we don’t have any more ice left”. because sometimes it feels like we can never have enough ice! There is one in the top portion of the ice dispenser and one in the freezer drawer. I will say both get used quite frequently in our house.
French Doors
The French doors really give us lots of space to access all of our food in the top fridge part. Don’t get me wrong there are still times when we pull something out that we can’t quite identify what it once was. There are plenty of shelves and door bins that are adjustable to your needs which aid in the functionality of the fridge.
Freezer Drawer
I really like having a freezer drawer at the bottom of the fridge. It is so easy to organize, store, and manage the freezer contents. I feel like we can fit so much more in it and really can access things so much easier than the side-by-side fridge.
Power Cool
This feature gets used often at our house and is something that I would say would be necessary with any fridge purchase we would make in the future. When we get home from the grocery store and have had the doors open or when I put food in the fridge that is still a little warm I just hold the power cool button on the front display panel for 3 seconds and it automatically goes to work “power” cooling the fridge to the designated temperature we have it set to.
Installing The Microwave & Dishwasher
Now that we were back in the game in a sense with a working fridge it was time for Kevin to install our new dishwasher and microwave.
The nice thing about it was we had just recently installed new ones at our old house before we moved. So he knew what he was doing.
Once the dishwasher and microwave were installed there was only one white appliance left standing, the oven. We just had to wait for the plumber to come to install a gas line and we were all done.

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Last Of The New Kitchen Appliances To Install
The stove completed the new look of stainless steel kitchen appliances. Even though their newness wained quite quickly with little fingers!
After the gas line was installed Kevin then installed the stove. The kitchen finally felt complete minus the fact that we had planned on painting the multicolored green walls.
As well as replacing the linoleum floors. Especially now since in the process of installing the oven Kevin “ripped” the floor. Nothing a rug can’t hide for now.
Related: Kitchen Paint Makeover: Multi-Colored Green To Steely Gray

Samsung Convection Free Standing Gas Stove
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Some Of The Issues We’ve Had With Our New Kitchen Appliances
Fridge Issue
We have had the appliances for about two years now. I will say we have definitely had some issues with them all except the microwave.
The first is the fridge, there are two ice makers in the fridge, top, and bottom. The top ice maker which we use most always freezes over and needs to dethaw to work.
Dishwasher Issue
The dishwasher has an issue where the rubber washer comes out of the connection and brings water to the top rack.
This is always fun when you go to put dishes away and realize the top rack is still dirty and needs to run again. Which feels like a waste of water and dish detergent.
Oven “Issue”
The only issue we have had with the stove which technically isn’t an issue but more or less a cosmetic flaw is the Samsung logo melted off.
I don’t know why they would use a sticker type of emblem on an area where steam is released from the oven.
It doesn’t affect the functionality of the oven and really doesn’t bother me at all. I would just think that Samsung would want their branding to stay on better.
In The End, We Are Happy With Our New Kitchen Appliances
All in all, we are pretty happy with our appliance purchase. They all look really nice in the kitchen, work well for the most part, and are still under warranty!
I will finish by saying that Samsung has been super easy to work with when we have had issues. They are very easy to get a hold of and very willing to help, unlike some other brands I have had to work with in the past. Now on to painting the kitchen walls!
Related: Complete DIY Kitchen Renovation Project – Part 3